Take note

The content of this blog is based on publicly available information and is intended to convey a short summary of facts surrounding each Victorian murder and the sentence imposed. It is not pushing an agenda for harsher/more lenient sentencing practices in Victoria.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Dromana Woman Died in Post-Coital Attack

A 54 year old woman was beaten to death after sex.

Crime:  Murder

Occurred:  26 April 2011

Where: Unknown address, Dromona

Sentenced:  19 February 2013

Convicted:  Dwaine Anthony Grant

Victim:  Julie Simmonds

What happened?
Despite the 22 year age gap between the couple, Dwaine and Julie had a sexual relationship dating back to Dwaine's early teens.  Over the last year, since Dwaine had moved to Dromona, the two were regular drinking buddies.  On the day of the murder, they drank cask wine and smoked pot together.  Later in the day, they had sex and then something, it is not clear what, made Dwaine snap.  He called Julie a "fuckwit" and a "gutter slut" and proceeded to beat her viciously, beginning in the living room and then moving into the bedroom, choking her to the point of crushing her larynx, ripping chunks of hair right off her scalp and battering her all over, including around her genitals and anus. He held her by the hair while punching her and finished off by repeatedly hitting her over the back of the head with a lump of wood. Julie died of "multiple injuries including neck compression" and was alive for the entire beating.

Victim's background
Julie, aged 54 at the time of her death, was an alcoholic.  She left behind three children and an ex-husband.  In sentencing, the judge commented that Julie's family were left with "a cruel and unjustified feeling that they did not protect her adequately in the vulnerable state which it was plain her alcoholism created".
The Dromana pier (source).

Convicted's background
Dwaine was 22 years old when he murdered Julie.  His father died before he was born and his mother found an undesirable de facto partner.  Dwaine experienced sexual abuse, witnessed ongoing domestic violence, and spent his earlier years in foster homes. Early on, Dwaine began racking up a series of offences in the Children's Court, related to dishonesty and motor vehicle offences.  He moved to Melbourne as a young adult and obtained a series of partial trade qualifications before he was sacked for his alcoholism.  In 2010 he moved back to Dromana where he spent his days drinking and lived on welfare.  As well as alcohol, Dwaine was a cannabis and (alleged) amphetamine user.
Dwaine also held a number of convictions in the Magistrates Court, none of them related to violence.
Dwaine and Julie drank cask wine on the day of the murder (source).

Outcome of trial:  Dwaine pleaded guilty so there was no need for a trial.

Sentence:  16 years before eligible for parole, 20 years maximum.

You can access the judgment here.  Media articles are available here and here.

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