Sentenced: 10 August 2011
Where: Ascot Pasta & Deli Cafe (191 Union Street, Ascot Vale)
Convicted: Judith Mary-Anne Moran and Geoffrey Armour
Victim: Desmond Moran
What happened?
Judy believed Des, her ex-brother in law, owed her some money. She also didn't like him very much. So she organised Geoffrey to kill Des on the anniversary of her son's death (Mark Moran). At a cafe where Des ate everyday, Geoff and Michael Furrugia (who thought he was on a debt collection mission) walked up to Des while he was trying to pay his bill and Geoff shot him seven times with a shotgun, a few in the back of the head and some in his chest and neck. There were several distraught witnesses who watched the scene unfold.
Judy drove the getaway car. She was later caught dumping the car by police.
Desmond's background
No one from Des' family submitted a victim impact statement - the only person who did was someone who witnessed the murder. Des claimed to be out of the criminal business and had survived an earlier attempt on his life in March 2009.
Judy's background
Judy was 66 years old at the time of sentencing. She quit school at 12 and worked as a machinist making clothing and then worked at Myers. In her capacity as a professional dancer she performed on television programs during the 1960s. Her two partners have both been killed (after they were separated from her) and she lost two sons during the Melbourne gangland killings in the early 2000s. She developed health problems as she has aged and has osteoarthritis in both knees and hip problems.
Geoff's background
Geoff was 45 years old at the time of sentencing. He was 12 when his parents separated and he left school when he was 14. He has convictions in South Australia, Western Australia, Queensland and Victoria for offences including assault, drug possession and theft, none of which resulted in a term of imprisonment. He ran a business in Western Australia until it fell apart during the global financial crisis. Whilst in remand, Geoff rescued another prisoner who was trying to hang himself.
Outcome of trial: Geoff pleaded guilty of murder and did not require a trial. Judy pleaded not guilty of murder but was found guilty by a jury.
Sentence: Geoff and Judy were both sentenced to 21 years imprisonment before eligible for parole (26 years max) and have already served a little over two years of their sentence in remand.
You can read Judy's judgement here and Geoffrey's judgement here and media coverage here and here.
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