Take note

The content of this blog is based on publicly available information and is intended to convey a short summary of facts surrounding each Victorian murder and the sentence imposed. It is not pushing an agenda for harsher/more lenient sentencing practices in Victoria.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

61 Year Old Husband Kills Wife in Greenvale

Crime:  Murder
Occurred:  1 February 2010
Sentenced:  4 February 2011
Where: Family home in Greenvale
Convicted: Omer Bayram
Victim:  Sirin Bayram

What happened?
After a marriage that lasted almost 25 years, Omer and Sirin were separated but continued to live in the same house, despite increasing hostility.  Omer offered Sirin $250,000 as a full property settlement, but the marital pool was worth far more and Sirin was adamant that she wanted at least half the assets and this would involve the sale of the family home.  One Monday morning, Omer and Sirin argued in the kitchen about selling the house.  Omer grabbed a kitchen knife and stabbed Sirin five times in the chest and thigh.  She died soon after of blood loss. About half an hour later Omer rang 000 to tell the authorities that he had killed his wife.

Sirin on the right
Victim's background
Sirin was born in Cyprus and was 50 years old when she was killed.  She came to Australia in 1985, pregnant with her first child, and had two children in total (now aged 24 and 22).  She worked full time at Ericsson as a factory hand and clerk, contributing towards the house repayments and family savings.  Two days before her death she told her brother that she had found a new house in Epping she was going to buy, and was packing her things to begin a new life.

Convicted's background
Omer was the son of a shepherd, born in Cyprus and one of seven children.  He moved to Australia at the age of 23 after a stint in the British Amy in Libya.  He was 61 when he killed his wife.  Working nightshift at Dunlop rubber while his wife worked day shift, the two never saw each other much throughout their marriage.  In 2008, the Dunlop tyre plant closed down and Omer purchased a taxi licence.  As a member of the Craigieburn Art Group, two members provided character references at his sentencing hearing, stating that he was a gentleman.  He has no prior convictions.  His children were initially supportive of him when he was first arrested (visiting him in remand) but since then there has been a falling out over financial matters.

Outcome of trial: Omer pleaded guilty to murder and a trial was not required.

Sentence:  16 years before eligible for parole (19 max).  Omer has already served over a year of his sentence in remand.

You can read the judgement here.  Media coverage is available here and here.

1 comment:

  1. Sirin is the one on the Left. Omer Bayram had an extra maritial affair with another man for over 15 years. He beat Sirin (broke her nose and fractured her Jaw back in the late 80's. He was told never to do it again which he didn't - untill he murdered her of course. Omer Bayram had no love towards his wife and only married her to satisfy his family that he wasn't gay. He lead a double life hence the boyfriend. He worked night shift so that he would not have to see his wife. He thought that all the money he saved over the years was entirely his. He never seemed to think his wife Sirin, who also contributed financially but also single handedly raised their children deserved half the assets. It was when he found out thru his lawyer one month befor he commited murder that she will be entitled to half the assets. This infuriated him hence the Murder. The justice system in Australia provided a prosecutor to this case who never once mentioned the above to strngthen the case against Omer. The legal system yesterday granted Omer Bayram three years off his sentence. Yesterday was one day befor the aniversary of her death. The family of Sirin Kamil would like very much to (sarcastically) thank the Victorian Legal system in there infinite wisdom of allowing this murderer to walk free three years early. The pain and suffering is too much to bare. RIP Sirin your love will always be with us. Your murderer will walk free, but every dog has it's day. I'm not much of a believer but i hope their is a God to send him to Hell.
